
Showing posts from August, 2021

June & July 2021

 This summer has been crazy,  June was one huge roller-coaster ride between looking at a new RV  and helping the kids get moved back to Georgetown.   Here is the short story! This is the new toy I bought for the smaller RV.  It is a Campmaid charcoal grill. It came with a 12 qt cast-iron dutch oven (it's heavy) that I will never use.  For some reason I thought it was  going to be an 8 qt.      With June comes high school graduations.  I had the honor of spending graduation day with this lovely young lady and her family.  Thank you for the invite Cooper family. I made it to Texas and had time to eat breakfast before the kids  arrived at the new house. Then the movers showed up and it was game on.   It was fun spending time with Ember at the playground.   The days were HOT but it cooled down  after dinner.   See you guys in December!!! I got an invite to the June ACF meeting.   Pulled pork fresh off the grill with all the sides. It was an amazing meal and nice to see everyone. July s