
Showing posts from January, 2023

December 2022

Dad and I enjoying the Florida sunshine along with a little friend. Dad took me out to dinner and he got me a cake for my 59th I stopped by The Shed on my way to Texas. They were closed for their Christmas Party. Landed in Texas and Athena and I went for sushi at a "new to me" food court. I got creative and made cookies for Embers class party and then took her to  get a new hair cut. We picked up her buddy and went for a couple hours of fun and then food. Yes they are the same age.    Ember and I headed to Round Rock to walk around the towns light display. We found a great parking place and had fun looking  at the lights and listening to the band We stopped by Wonderspaces Austin to walk through an installation.  There was so much variety. A meditation lung made from recycled tea bags and plastic bags The sewing machine orchestra An auto visual installation with light and sound  Killing time, this piece started moving when you walked up on it. Check out the web site to see m