
Showing posts from January, 2024

November & December 2023

I have totally dropped the ball where the blog is concerned.   So this will be a two month download. There is nothing better than setting with your man in a hunting blind. The wild life put on a great show but there were no deer to be found. I have learned one thing, I can't cook and take pictures at the same event. We had some new additions at this years family event.   I had some down time and walked around half of the OKC zoo.  It was a beautiful day and all the animals were out.  The doe was very friendly because she had been raised by a farmer and I think people were giving her treats at the fence.  I will be getting a membership for the zoo.  There is so much to see. In December we found our way out to the hunting camp a couple times. It is a beautiful place no matter how cold it is. Ken asked me what I wanted for my birthday.  I told him I wanted to see Christmas lights.  So we met up with John and Tammy for a Christmas party at the Indian Bike Shop in OKC.  They had a turke