December 2021

December started with a trip to see Mary and Barc.  The Elks had a memorial ceremony for members that passed in 2021.  Mary got to lay the rose for Bill.

Happy Birthday to me.
Dad took me to Charlie's Steak House.  It is always amazing.
This was my first Old Fashioned and it was a good one, since leaving Michigan.

On December 8th I signed the papers for 
the new RV.  This isn't the one I wanted but 
I think it is much better.  I love the layout and the colors.
I will move into it when I return from my trip to Texas.
I wanted jacks, solar, inverter in lythium batteris installed.

I went back to Epcot for the Candelight Processional. 
Alton Fitzgerald White was the presenter and was Mufasa
in the Broadway play the Lion King. 

I had dinner at Tokyo Dinning.  I really enjoyed
the duck fried and crispy duck bao buns.

I celebrated my birthday by going to the cirque show 
Disney Springs then off to dinner at Paddlefish.

My dinner started with a Handsome Caption, the drink, and followed by
clam chowser and a crab cake on a fried green tomato.

December 11th I got in the car and headed to Texas.
My first stop was at the lodge on the NAS Pensacola.
This was my view.

We had been on this base twice and I never noticed the 
lighthouse or the fort.

Then off to New Orleans by way of The Shed

New Orleans is beautiful at night from 
my hotel.

Cafe Du Monde was not great but it is in 
a great part of town.  I loved walking this city.

I was looking for something different and I found it.

This was my first seafood gumbo and it was great.  I tried an oyster, not a fan. The ceaser brusselsprout salad and the blood orange creme brulee were 
also very good.

Time for a daytime walk around the city.

Does anyone know why they have spikes in the brick?
They were in a straight line.

I got this restaurant suggestion from a friend.
I ordered a sazerac, shrimp po boy and gumbo poopa (in a bread bowl).
I sat at the bar and had a great conversation with a woman from Canada.

Arrived in Texas to and got to snuggel with this bug.

Embers first hibachi restaurant.  She loved the flames.

Ofcouse we made our chocolate chip cookies.

She is always up for breakfast out.

We were driving when I spotted this balloon.  
They were folding it up and we got to help.

Lots of playground time.

Andrea took us all to an electric play.  It was six people who did a fantastic job.
I did great till they played "it's a wonderful life".  It was Bill's favorite song.  
The background was New Orleans.

Christmas day was lots of gifts, great food and family.

Two of the three grandpuppies.

The 26th would have been our 24th wedding anniversary.
I spent the day out and about.

Ember and I took a triip to the little Austin Zoo.
We road the train and fed the critters.

Making paper with one of her Christmas gifts.

As I lookk back at 2021 my heart is filled with so many emotions.  Sadness from loosing Bill.  Peace knowing he passed with no pain or stress and finally anticipation, looking to the future. I look forward to trips in the new rig and getting back to Michigan. Let the adventure begin. 


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