April 2022

I really should have done this in two posts, but it was a whirl wind month as you will see

I left Ajo, AZ and started my trip east.  I stopped at Cattle Rest Saloon and D.H. Lescombes Winery. They are part of Harvest Hosts.  The food was simple and the drinks and wine were perfect.  

This was my second stay at the winery.  This time I played with the camera and did some night shots.

I stayed in El Paso at Fort Bliss.  This FAMCAMP is right off the expressway.  I got the last space by the road and I was fine with it.
While I was there I did some sight seeing.  I checked out the 

Keystone Heritage Park and the El Paso Desert Botanical Garden and the El Paso Zoo.

This is a humingbird moth.  I had never heard of them.

I had a great steak dinner and service at the Cattle Barron.

This park was on the side of hill above town.  You can see past El Paso 
and into Mexico

I went on base and checked out a museum (not the original) Fort Bliss.
They were closed but it was fun to walk around.

The Franklin Mountain Range was beautiful.  The state park had a two mile loop with lots of hikes.  I got there to late in the day to hike.

I made it to Georgetown and New Life RV Park and family.

 Zoos with Ember.
I handed to phone to her and let her take pictures.

Ian at soccer practice. Neil was too far away to photograph.

Andrea found an arcade where you play all day for $10. 
Where was this place when I was a kid.  Play Land was never this good!

This year the Easter Bunny brought Ember a new bike.
Mom and Dad got her a cool helmet.  She tried it without training wheels but gave up and asked for the training wheels.  Then she was off to the races.

I had to make a quick trip to Michigan.  While I was here I got to see 
my God Son, Charlie in a play.
I was so glad to finally get to see him act. He did a great job.  
Not that I am partial.

Then a two day trip back to Texas to head back to Michigan the next day.

I was able to stay at one Harvest Hosts on my way to Michigan.  Bee Happy Farm was a quiet family owned farm.  They were unloading a new pig when I arrived.

They loved hanging out by the rig.

This little piggy would make all kinds of noise and come running 
to the fence every 
time I walked out of the rig.  As soon as I pet her the first time she laid right down so I could get just the right spot.

This is the new piggy.  She is a Kunekunes.  
She has a short snout and does not root in the dirt.
The dog is not sure about the new comer.

As I said above, I made a quick trip to Michigan from Texas.
On April 15th we lost Chuck Koory, my brother-in-law.  This guy had such a huge heart.  You don't meet to many like him.  I will miss his smile, quick whit, his laugh and hearing "Hello Constance" when I walked into the house.

What an adventure.
My estimate on mileage for the RV is about 6,000 miles.
She needs an oil change!!


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