May 2023

 Where does the time go?

I don't even have the May blog done and June is almost over.

Life is good!!

What a ride.

500 miles or so round trip!!

It was a beautiful tour even if it was cold and rainy.

The organizers did a great job and everything went so smooth.

We already booked a room for next year!!

Ken built a dresser for me.
It is a beautiful piece of furniture. 
Looks like I am home.

The little opossum was hanging around the house for awhile.
The prairie dogs are a couple miles from the house.

This is an old before picture but it gives you an idea
of the work that went into this project

This is the finished project.
Now the grass needs to grow

I have been using the Canon 90D to take pictures from the back of the bike.

The original dinner on Route 66 

And the replica down the road

I spent the last day of school with Ember.
Tossing the Frisbee has become our new pastime.

I think that is everything for May.  June has been busy with travel, rallies and weddings.  Life is good!!


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